Our Response to Covid-19
We pledged to ensure that no family went hungry, no child was left academically behind, and that there were no job cuts due to Covid-19.
Vidya & Child is responsible for 1300+ families, 1800+ children and 150+ staff.
The Situation
The current pandemic is unprecedented and has thrown the whole world into confusion and panic. The underprivileged communities are the ones that are most at risk, and hence the ground level situation is a major challenge.
The communities we work with have fragile ecosystems with respect to health and economic stability. Daily wage workers and those working in the unorganised sector of the community bore the brunt of this pandemic in ways that we had never imagined.
Our work on the ground:
Distribution of food: Dry food and ration distribution to 600+ most critical families across all 4 school communities in Noida (Delhi NCR) since April.
Health & Awareness: Directives and help given over the phone to follow guidelines to avoid Covid-19 infections and also instructions to help build immunity
Continuing education: Online classes through Whatsapp Chats, Video, phone calls. Books and worksheets have been distributed so that even children who do not have smartphones can continue to learn. It is heartening to see that some of our children are able to attend classes even from their villages. Our objective is to ensure that we are able to reach every child enrolled in our schools.
Parent Interactions: Talking with parents to understand their challenges and help them cope with the financial crisis. We are in touch with each of our families including those who have gone to their villages. Most of them plan to return soon.
Connect with Staff: As an organisation, we remain connected with each of our staff to apprise them of the situation at hand and of different organisational policies. Work is being planned to manage communication regarding ration requirement and distribution, Covid-19 guidelines, along with online classes. Training sessions are being conducted for all teachers through Zoom.
Managing Covid-19 and Overall Critical Health Families: Many families with prevailing health situations are at high risk and it is important for them to follow all precautions strictly. Few families that had Covid-19 cases were closely tracked and monitored for quarantine/self-isolation procedures at home to limit further exposure. Their neighbours and landlords were also spoken with, in order to support the affected families in these times.
Click here to know more about our response, and click here to know about how our children are coping.
Our Supporters:
The Road Ahead
Our single-minded focus is to tide over the crisis and try that each member of our family – students, teachers and parents remains with us, and to ensure that the full body of work that we have built over the last 21 years is not lost in any form. To ensure this, we need to secure salaries for our staff and procure rations for critical need families.
How you can help:
As we cope, manage, and combat this situation, we need your help and prayers like never before.
Click on the button to donate, or click here to learn more.