Computer Aided Learning (CAL)

Fully functional computer Lab at all centres with Internet access for children across all programme.


School Programme


English & Hindi Stories to develop        pronunciation and listening skills as well as to introduce basic concepts like      numbers, colours and surroundings.

Practice Worksheets –  Digital content for  Math & Science (e.g. Edurite CDs, IXL & Bodhaguru) and online science videos for concept reinforcement & practice.

 Videos and activities on computers for Science and SST (multimedia & K-YAN).


After School Support Programme &  Foundation Programme

Mindspark — A computer-based self-learning Math Program for Classes VI to X  to clarify concepts & application of Mathematics.

Project work – Children research on the    internet & make presentations for  projects given by mainstream schools.

Learning Computer Languages- Classes XI and above learn C, C++ etc. in schools/ colleges and they use the computer lab for regular practice.


CAL in Arts & Performing Arts Programme

Computers are used in various creative project areas where students go through sessions    conducted by professional faculty in different areas such as Animation, Film Making, Film  Editing, Documentary Making and Mass  Communication, Software Engineering and  Photography.

