Shweta Rambhool
Shweta’s family belongs to Uttar Pradesh. Her father is a mechanic and mother is a housewife. Shweta has two siblings. Her brother, Raj, is in Class II and sister, Kasak, is in Class I with Vidya & Child.
Shweta joined Vidya & Child in 2007 in Class Nursery. Initially, she was a very introverted girl. She would remain quiet and was not able to interact freely with the children and the teachers. She would also keep emotions bottled up inside her and this resulted in frustration and disinterest in studies and other class activities. Problems at home also affected her emotionally and she could not concentrate on studies. This resulted in poor academic performance.
The teachers and other team members of Vidya & Child have diligently worked with Shweta over the years to make her more positive and social. Regular guidance and reinforcement by the teachers helped her to improve her comprehension and focus as well as encouraged her to be sincere and regular in her studies. She is now good in Math and her favourite subject is Social Sciences, which she understands well and is able to score good marks. However, she still faces difficulty in English and her teachers give extra time for helping her out with doubts. She takes keen interest in studies and comes forward to clarify her doubts.
Shweta was also encouraged by her teachers to take part in extra-curricular activities and she even won a drawing competition organised in the school. When Shweta was in Class III, she was motivated to take part in the Arts & Performing Arts Program of Vidya & Child. Shweta joined the Kathak classes and gradually became a very keen learner. After a lot of persuasion, she finally joined the Theatre Group also and theatre activities acted as a catalyst in bringing out a positive change in her personality. She was able to channelize her emotions and she went on to enact interesting roles in different Plays such as ‘Freedom’, Street Play on ‘Health and Nutrition’ and ‘Ramayana’.